Παρασκευή 21 Ιουνίου 2019


1000 Doing it wrong
Jenny Beaumont
1100 The art of networking
Francesca Marano
1200 Change your socks, change your mind: A no-fuss primer on change management
Josepha Haden
1400 Matt on WordPress
Matt Mullenweg
1530 The art of pricing
Rahul Bansal

1545 Understanding what makes a website landing page convert
Rob Hope
1600 Semantic content in a block editing world
Joe McGill
1700 Growing your WordPress site organic search traffic in a mobile-first world: How to evolve your SEO for a mobile-first audience and Google’s mobile-first index
Aleyda Solís


1000 WordPress for non-profits: Website best practices, collecting donations, increasing exposure online
Charles Johnston
1100 The promise of structured data and blocks
Omar Reiss
1200 Special characters and where to find them
Torsten Landsiedel
1530 Variable fonts: The future of web design
Ana Cirujano

1545 Gutenberg and page builder plugins: Two great tastes that taste great together
Michele Mizejewski
1600 Designing your first Gutenberg block
Mel Choyce
1700 Accessible content
Maja Benke


1000 Develop with Docker: Containers for everyone
Maura Teal
1100 Advanced database management for plugins
John Jacoby
1200 For the love of code: Modernising WordPress, plugins, and themes
Juliette Reinders Folmer
1530 How fast-growing agencies win business
Simon Cooke
1545 Renaissance jobs in WordPress: Skills you need to survive the 21st-century career
Nevena Tomovic
1600 100 Days of What? Why you should learn how to code, even though you don’t fancy a coding career
Monique Dubbelman
1700 Panel: User onboarding and retention. What can we learn from site builders?

Σάββατο 22 Ιουνίου 2019


0900 How better performing websites can help save the planet
Jack Lenox
1000 The power of free
Brian Teeman
1130 How Gutenberg changed the way we sell WordPress sites
Kåre Steffensen
1145 Why I walked more than 700km to Berlin, and survived
Marcel Bootsman
1200 On multilingual WordPress sites
Pascal Birchler
1400 Working a world apart: Navigating remote working professional relationships
Dee Teal
1500 How to engage your online audience: Lessons from the field of education
Jesse van de Hulsbeek, Marieke van de Rakt
1600 From WordPress to blockchain: The future is 100% open source
Sebastiaan van der Lans


0900 Customer support: Turning your nightmare into a growth engine
Valentina Thörner
1000 Get things done! 7 Tips to save time
Judith Schröer
1130 Catch the big fish
Shane Pearlman
1145 Democratising education
Ronnie Burt
1200 Copywriting tricks, techniques, and CTAs for bloggers and marketers to improve conversion rates

Fernando Tellado
1400 Reduce, reuse, and recycle – 7 ways to repurpose content and maximise your efforts
Yvette Sonneveld
1500 More aim, less blame: How to use postmortems to turn failures into something valuable for your team
Daniel Kanchev
1600 What got you here won’t get you there – moving from developer to WordPress business owner
Kevin Stover


0900 Maintainable CSS architecture in the Gutenberg era
Sami Keijonen
1000 Leveraging the power of custom elements in Gutenberg
Felix Arntz
1130 Find that bug you made months ago with Git Bisect
David Needham
1145 WordPress through the bad guys’ glasses
Vladimír Smitka
1200 Using blocks outside the editor
Tom Nowell
1400 Panel: Growing beyond Gutenberg. From block-based editing to site administration
1500 Bringing people to WordCamps
Ines van Essen
1600 Designing in the open, remotely
Mark Uraine